Fix: A problem that the default UI language switches to Traditional Chinese upon startup. Fix: An activation failure problem for users from certain areas of Europe. New: Introduced the Cloud Decryption Service 3.0 to improve the decryption speed on Blu-rays. Fix: An opening failure problem on the bus encrypted Blu-ray discs.
New: Added the support to rip Japanese adult DVDs to HDDs as ISO files or folders. Fix: A slow speed problem when ripping adult DVDs to ISO files. Fix: Improved the BDFix utility to address the problem that certain Blu-ray sources cannot play on PowerDVD. Fix: A failure problem when opening certain Blu-ray discs. New: Added the support for a new DVD protection as found on The House with a Clock. New: Added the support for the BS4K & CS4K (4K BDAV) contents recorded by Sharp devices. New: Added support to reset the Blu-ray region code settings for PowerDVD 19. Fix: A problem opening DVDs caused by network connection failure. New: Added the support for the LG BU40N UHD drive with firmware version 1.01. New: Updated certain certificates to prevent possible network connection failures.
New: Added the support for some new Japanese adult DVDs.New: Introduced the online authorization method to activate the software.Fix: A problem that no text is displayed on the authorization window in certain cases.New: Improved the support for 4K UHD Blu-ray discs.Fix: A problem that the Passkey ad takes 100% of the CPU usage.New: Added the support for a new copy protection as found on the DVD version of Angel Has Fallen and Rambo: Last Blood.New: Added the support for the Disc Messenger to email users about the newly supported discs.New: Improved the support for opening bus encryption protected Blu-ray discs.New: An authorization failure problem if the account password is too long.Fix: A crash problem when opening discs in certain cases.New: Improved the support for DVD Cloud Decryption service.New: Introduced the new product Passkey for 4K Recorder to decrypt 4K BDAV Blu-rays recorded from 4K broadcastings, by major 4K recording devices from Sharp and Panasonic.
Existing users of Passkey for Blu-ray can get this new product for free.
New: Introduced the new product Passkey for Blu-ray Recorder to decrypt BDAV Blu-rays recorded from Blu-ray broadcastings. Fix: A problem that the default display language is Spanish despite the system language being English. New: Added the support for some new Java protections. Fix: A problem that Passkey cannot rip discs to hard drives if the disc titles contain certain special characters. Fix: A problem that Passkey cannot rip discs to hard drives simultaneously from multiple optical drives.